The Gambia and Senegal, Andrew Burke & David Else, 2nd edition
September 2002, Lonely Planet.
In this handsome and condensed guidebook you will find incredibly much
information and data about Senegal and the Gambia. Coverage of both countries
is excellent, providing up-to-date, accurate information and sensible
advice, on anything from places to stay and eat, things to do and see,
things to buy, and basically anything the traveller may wish to know.
The coverage of culture, society, nature, music and other information,
is excellent and easy to digest. The book is highly recommended to anybody
travelling in those two countries!
336 pages, 20 pages in colour, 32 maps, 184 x 127 mm, paperback
ISBN 1740591372, from £12,99 (19 €)
Birds of Western
Africa, Nick Borrow & Ron Demey, 2002, Helm, London.
This major new handbook covers 1282 species that occur in the western
countries of Africa. It is the only ID guide available, which covers the
region's birds in detail and it provides 147 colour plates on all the
species described apart from a few vagrants (which are depicted in black
and white within the text). Distribution maps are provided for a majority
of species. Due to its heavy weight and format (and price?) this book
is not very practical to carry with you in field. However, a very useful
reference guide, even if it has to stay in the car or at your accommodation
while you are birding.
832 pages, 241 x 166 mm, hardback
ISBN 0713639598, from £60 (87,80 €)
A Field Guide to
the Birds of the Gambia and Senegal, Clive Barlow, Tony Disley &
Tim Wacher, 1997, Helm, London
This field guide covers the area of the Gambia, a country which is very
popular with a large number of birders. The Gambia shelters many migrants
from the Western Palearctic, from September to April, as well as having
a significant list of resident West African birds. The guide also covers
Senegal, which almost entirely surrounds The Gambia. The colour plates
depict 570 species - virtually every species recorded in The Gambia -
and the text covers every species on the Senegambian list, as well as
a few which are likely to turn up in the future. In total, over 660 species
are described in the book.
408 pages, 210 x 148 mm, 48 colour plates, maps, hardback
ISBN 1873403321, from £29.99 (43
Birds of Western
& Central Africa, Ber van Perlo, 2002, HarperCollins, London.
This is not an ID guide in a common sense, but more correctly an illustrated
checklist. This field guide illustrates and describes every species of
bird you may see in western Africa. Featuring over 1500 species, the text
gives very brief information on key identification features, habitat,
songs and calls. The 109 colour plates appear opposite their relevant
text for quick and easy reference. Distribution maps are included. Even
if it doesn't reach the detailed quality of Borrow's guide, this handsome
book are perfect to bring with you in field.
384 pages, 191 x 126 mm, paperback
ISBN 0002201186, from £19,99 (29,20 €)
recent published book on the subject!
Guide to the Birds of Western Africa, Nik Borrow & Ron Demey,
2004, Helm, London
This new field guide uses all of the plates from Birds of Western Africa,
with a concise, authoritative text on facing pages, to create a conveniently-sized,
lightweight field reference covering all 1304 species found in the region.
The book also has an updated colour distribution map for ech species,
conveniently placed on interleaved pages within the colour plates. A number
of new images have been painted for this new field guide and several of
the plates have been replaced. This is the first comprehensive field guide
to cover the birds of this exciting region, and will enable birders to
identify any species found in any of the countries covered.
496 pages, 150 colour plates, nearly 1300 maps, 216x135 mm, paperback
ISBN 0713666927, from £29.99 (43 €)
Collins Bird Guide. Mullarney, K., Svensson, L., Zetterström,
D. & Grant, P.J., 1999. HarperCollins, London. (Available in different

Flight Identification of European Seabirds. Blomdahl, A., Breife,
B. & Holmström, N., 2003. Helm, London. (Also available in Swedish

Birds of Europe with North Africa and the Middle East. Jonsson,
L., 1993. Helm, London. (Available in different languages)

Skuas and Jaegers. Malling Olsen, K. & Larsson, H., 1997. Pica
Press, London.

Seabirds: an Identification Guide. Harrison, P., 1985. Helm, London.

Whales, Dolphins
and Porpoises. Carwardine, M. & Camm, M., 1995. Dorling Kindersley,
articles on the subject
La péninsule du Cap-Vert à
Dakar, Sénégal, est-elle la "Mecque" du seawatching?
Dubois, J.P., Holmström, N. & Verneau, A. 2009. Ornithos
4/2009: 220-232. (Also contains seabird totals between 1995-2008. In French
with summary in English).
or download the full article here» (PDF 619 KB)

Senegal Havsfågelskådning i världsklass (=
'Senegal seawatching that will beat the world'). Nilsson,
K. 2008. Vår Fågelvärld 5/2008: 18-21 (In Swedish).
You can open or download
the full article here»
(PDF 212 KB)

Seabird counts at N'Gor, Senegal, in November 2006. Strandberg,
R. & P. Olofsson. 2007. Malimbus 29: 128-130.

Senegal en pärla för sträckskådare (=
'Senegal the holy pearl for seawatchers'). Kristoffer Nilsson,
Fåglar på Västkusten 4/2005: 154-162 (In Swedish).

Havsfågelskådning i Senegal ett drömlikt
skådespel (= 'Seawatching in Senegal a dreamlike
scenario'). Holmström, N., Roadrunner 1/2004: 32-36 (In Swedish).
You can open or download
the full article here»
(PDF 149 KB)

Seabirds off Senegal, West Africa. Tony
Marr, Dick Newell & Richard Porter, Bulletin
of the African Bird Club 1/1998: 22-29. Fortunately the article is available
on the net (only tables with totals excluded). Read
the article here»

Seawatching from
Pointe des Almadies, Senegal: recent news. Gary Allport, Bulletin
of the African Bird Club 1/1995: 55. Read
the article here» (PDF 103

Seawatching from Cape Verde, Senegal. François Baillon &
Philippe J. Dubois, Birding World 4/1991: 440-442. Read
the article here» (PDF 81
Spring seabird passage off Senegal. Tony Marr & Richard Porter,
Birding World 10/1992: 391-394
ID articles
of a kind (Identification of Cory's, Scopoli's and Cape Verde Shearwater).
Steve Madge, Birdwatch 133/2003: p. 22-25

Flight identification of Cory's and Scopoli's Shearwaters. Ricard
Dutch Birding 5/1998: p. 216-225

of Cape Verde Shearwater. Richard Porter,
Dick Newell, Tony Marr & Robin Jolliffe, Birding World 6/1997: p.

A little help (Flight
identification of Little Shearwater).
Anthony McGeehan & Killian Mullarney, Birdwatch
39/1995: p. 38-42

Great or Cory's? Identifying large shearwaters. Anthony McGeehan
& Ricard Gutiérrez, Birdwatch 73/1998: p. 32-36

Identification of white-rumped North Atlantic Storm-petrels. Peter
Harrison, British Birds 76 (1983): p. 161-174

Flight Identification of Grey and Red-necked Phalarope. Eddie Maguire,
Birding Scotland 1/2001: p. 19-24
of Catharacta skuas: variability in juvenile Great Skuas.
Stuart Bearhop, Robert Furness & Bernard Zonfrillo, Birding World
9/1998: p. 355-359

Polar Skua
an overlooked bird in the eastern Atlantic.
Dick Newell, Richard Porter & Tony Marr, Birding World 6/1997: p.

Focus on the African Royal Tern. Didier Vangeluwe & Vincent
Bulteau, Alula 3/2003: p. 106-112
Photo forum
identification of Orange-billed Terns. Steve
Gantlett, Birding World 7/2003: p. 285-304 (Royal Tern not included)
related web sites
Contains information and over 210 photos on Great, Brown, Chilean and
South Polar Skuas as well as photos on unidentified Catharacta
skuas off Dakar in Senegal. Also moult charts for three species and links
to other Skua web sites. (The site is managed by Dick Newell, UK)

and moult in Catharacta skuas some comments
This short note examines the plumage of a skua that turned up in the Scillies
in October 2001, which is inconsistent with our understanding of Great
Skua Catharacta skua. (Surfbirds.com)

of Storm-petrels
This article takes
a look at the identification of Wilson's, Band-rumped (Madeiran) and Leach's
Storm-petrels and provides tips on how to see them. The article also contains
several drawings. Written by Donna L. Dittmann & Steven W. Cardiff,

This is a personal web site run by Angus Wilson, which is dedicated to
the exchange of information about bird identification, migration, systematics
and conservation, with special emphasis on seabirds. Also visit the page
List of the Seabirds of the World.

Pelagic Trips
Managed by Brian Patteson. Do visit the 'Image Galley' which contains
many excellent photos on most seabird species! Especially the photo sections
on 'Petrels & Shearwaters' and 'Storm-petrels' are very interesting
and helpful for European seawatchers.
useful web sites
Biscay Dolphin
Research Programme A very good site about seabirds, whales
and dolphins of the English Channel and Bay of Biscay. Lot of information,
photos and identification.

and Dolphins Identification, photo gallery and much more on
the beloved cetaceans is available on this website.
You will find more
specific links, close to the information which are dealt with at each
section on this web site!