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Transparent utfyllnad Checklist to the Birds of Senegal
African Jacana at Technopole.
Photo: Martin Oomen, 2005.
The distribution of the birds in Senegal are still rather poor known, and most birdwatchers visiting the country today may well contribute to the knowledge concerning breeding species, regularly migrating birds, as well as rarities. There is at the moment no official list of the Birds of Senegal, which describe the status of breeding birds and vagrants in detail. Since my object in this matter only is to describe the bird fauna of the Dakar area in general, and the number of species visiting birdwatchers may expect to see, I have here chosen to present two species lists, without status and distribution of each species. However, these lists could (hopefully) be useful for visiting birdwatchers in the future.
   These lists are far from complete and every single additional information is highly welcomed! Don't hesitate to comment on errors, misspellings or contribute sightings, which can make these lists even more useful and up to date.

Checklist to the Birds of Senegal (PDF 54 KB) – Updated 21 October 2005
This list contains 668 species and a few subspecies (english and scientific names).
Checklist to the birds at Technopole (PDF 26 KB) – Updated 21 October 2005
This list, which contains 153 bird species, is compiled by Betsy Hopkins, with a few additions of recent sightings recorded by foreign birdwatchers. (english and scientific names).

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