Long-tailed Cormorant at the nice site
Technopole. |
(Black) Kite.
Photos: Martin
Oomen, 2005 |
Unfortunately, there
are not many birding trip reports available today, not even at other web
sites that provide trip reports from all over the world. Most available
reports from the region cover birding visits to Gambia, sometimes with
short detours to nearby birding sites in Senegal. Hopefully there will
be more birders in the future visiting Senegal, not only for seawatching,
but also for general birding in this big country with its six great National
Parks. Niokola-Koba is the most known, especially by birders visiting
the Gambia. Another great and well-known area is Delta du Saloum close
to the northern border to Gambia. For further information on birding inland
Senegal see the 'Travel info' section for a short introduction.
All available reports below are in the PDF format which
can be opened in your browser or downloaded to your computer. However,
you need at least Acrobat Reader to be able to open and read the PDF-files
available below.
reports |
in Senegal 2-7 November 2005 (88 KB) by Dave Thurlow, UK.
Seawatching at N'Gor and Calao. No recordings of landbirds is included. |
22-29 October 2005 (242 KB) by Wouter Faveyts, Belgium.
This was a work trip so not specifically aimed at bird watching. However,
Wouter recorded nearly 100 species during his stay and without much
effort. The report also contains 12 bird photos. |
Senegal 13-21 October 2005 by Ignacio Yúfera, Spain.
After a week of birding in neighbouring Gambia, Ignacio travelled
to Senegal for another week of birding, mainly in the northern part.
Valuable information about this part of the country as well as many
nice photos! |
in Senegal 3-16 October 2005 (1,1 MB) by Niklas Holmström,
Jan Hägg, Björn Johansson, Kristoffer Nilsson & Martin
Oomen, Sweden.
Seawatching at N'Gor and Calao plus two pelagic trips off Cap Vert.
Also two visits to the wetland area Technopole (east of N'Gor). The
report contains 31 photos, tables and graphs (22 pages). |
1-11 November 2004 (314 KB) by Richard Ottvall.
Seawatching at N'Gor and Calao. Birding interior Senegal such as Sine
Saloume delta and National Park Djoudj. |
22-29 October 2004 (143 KB) by Bengt Andersson, Leif Dehlin, Alf
Petersson & Johan Stenlund, Sweden.
The trip report is available in two versions. They mainly seawatch
from Calao on the Cap Vert Peninsula, but also birded at Technopole
(Dakar) and Somone just two hours south of the peninsula, with great
» Illustrated
with 38 colour photos (PDF 647
KB), highly recommended! |
in Senegal 13-27 October 2003 (223 KB) Göran Ekström,
Niklas Holmström, Dan Mangsbo & Dan Zetterström, Sweden.
Including day-by-day totals and pelagic totals. Besides seabirds this
one include a brief diary and all land birds seen in the N'Gor area. |
15 July to 5 August 2003 (60 KB) by Willem van der Waal.
Mainly landbirds, but also several interesting seabirds sightings
such as Cape Gannet, Brown Booby, Red-billed Tropicbird, Kelp Gull,
Bridled and Sooty Tern. |
and Gambia on 14 December 2000 to 11 January 2001, by Juha Honkala
and Veronica Limnell |
You will find further reports from Senegal
and Gambia on www.travellingbirder.com
(External web resource). Just chose Senegal in the "Select Country"
field and up to date (23 Oct. 2008) there is 39 trip reports available. |