Keen seawatchers! From left: Niklas, Martin
and Janne. Ile N'Gor is visible in far background. Photo: Björn
Johansson, 2005. |
In afternoon there is less sunshade at
the terrace, but enough if you are party of 4-5 birders. Photo: Martin
Oomen, 2005. |
Kristoffer (left) and Niklas taking a cooling
dip in the pool.
Photo: Martin
Oomen, 2005. |
The great terrace of Calao a perfect
place for seawatching!
Photo: Martin
Oomen, 2005. |
The migrating seabirds (especially the
skuas) had a peak in the two last hours before dusk. Photo: Niklas
Holmström, 2003. |
The Calao's terrace is together
with Isle N'Gor the best place for seawatching in Senegal!
Photo: Dan
Mangsbo, 2003. |
Dan Zetterström being distracted by
loud Russian tourists. In afternoon the light is soft and perfect
for seawatching.
Photo: Niklas Holmström, 2003. |
View towards north. The big parasol was
a great sunshade nearly all day long. Several dips in the pool every
day cooled off our overheated brains and sweating bodies!
Photo: Niklas Holmström, 2003. |
The terrace viewed and photographed from
off shore.
Photo: Göran
Ekström, 2003 |
View from the terrace towards northwest.
In front the little land-tongue (more like a tiny island when the
tide is up) close to Calao. Isle N'Gor seen in far background.
Photo: Niklas Holmström, 2003. |
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